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  • Writer's pictureadriannajtetnowski

2020 (so far) has been...

I'm not sure I'll have enough time or words to fully explain my thoughts on 2020 so far but, this year has really been something. With all the bad things that have happened so far - the Australian wildfires, Coronavirus, and the BLM protests - the rest of the year isn't looking so promising. But, it's always important to stay positive, so I can now only hope that everything starts getting better starting with the arrival of summer.

Times are uncertain for everyone, we've all been affected in more than one way. If you look on the brighter side of things, there's now a global fight against racism, the forests in Australia are starting to show signs of regrowth, and society is finally starting to ease itself out of lockdown. I can't remember the last time I heard birds singing as much as they are now, or the last time the sky was so blue.

These must be signs that there's something better waiting for us all at the end of such a long and dark tunnel. All it took was for the world to finally get together and fight against common problems that affect us all, whether that's racism or climate change or a global pandemic. Now, once everything is better (although perhaps not quite back to 'normal') we can all step back and just breathe. We would have gone through hell and back together. And, if we had enough sense, we as a global population would look to a new future that would ensure we never faced anything like 2020 again.

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