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~ Princess of Darkness ~

The Redbanes are at a loss and Serendipity is still a hostage. News of the Emperor of Iradas' death has left little time to mourn - the war between the Redbanes and Valentis is yet to be won.

Marcus keeps Serendipity on a leash, after her previous effort to escape him. And all the while, Adelaide's attempt at an alliance with a certain royal family now seems likely - but at a tremendous price.

Yet, as Marcus plans become more sinister, the Redbanes are losing time in this war. But after a chance discovery of a series of strange books titled The Awakening, Adelaide and Nick may have found a way to win against him. A new kind of evil is lurking in Valkenn, one that doesn't sleep. And now, the fate of The Allied Kingdoms lies in the hands of four young nobles.

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